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3PL's New logistics center starting its operations in 2025

The construction of 3PLogistiikka Group's new logistics center well underway in Sipoo's Bastukärr logistics area, in the immediate vicinity of the Helsinki-Lahti highway (road E75). The largest investment in the company's history is a response to the significantly increased demand for external logistics services in Uusimaa, and especially in the capital region. The logistics center, which will start in early 2025, is aiming for carbon neutrality.

3PLogistiikan Sipoon logistiikkakeskuksen havainnekuva

3D image of the Sipoo's logistics center.

The 3PLogistiikka Group, which offers storage and logistics services, has grown at an annual rate of about 20% during its 10-year history and currently offer's its services through nine logistics centers in six cities in Finland and Estonia. The continued strong demand growth in the capital region created an opportunity for the company to take a significant growth step as a continuation of the offices already located in the capital region.

We had been looking for a solution with growth potential for a long time alongside our locations in Espoo, Nurmijärvi, Kerava and Vantaa. We are happy that the the construction project is already well underway, says Jussi Kammonen, chairman of the board of 3PLogistiikka Group Oy, responsible for the real estate project.

The location of the Sipoo logistics center in the Bastukärr logistics area is excellent, as the site is in the immediate vicinity of the central warehouses of grocery chains. The proximity of the port of Vuosaari guarantees short shipments to sea containers. Also e-commerce shipments will reach a large population quickly, continues 3PLogistiikka Group Oy CEO Jussi Örn.

Proximity to highway E75 plays certainly a key role, as the road is the main route between the capital region and Inner Finland, especially in the direction of Päijät-Häme. The investment is positive for the municipality of Sipoo, as the office will employ around 50–100 people when it is completed. Albert Andersson, the community director of the municipality, commented:

We thank the representatives of Mrec IM and 3PL for the smooth cooperation. The proactive and open communication of all parties has made it possible to realize the ambitious schedule also for Sipoo municipality. The new logistics center complements the Bastukärr area well and further strengthens the positive development of Sipoo municipality's vitality. We are also happy that we can welcome 3PL to Sipoo.

Meeting the future environmental and customer requirements

The size of the center is approximately 190,000 m3, which corresponds to the volume of, for example, approximately 300 padel cages. The logistics center's technical solutions and emission-free energy sources enable the goal of carbon-neutral operation.

3PL serves a wide variety of trade, construction and industry players as well as importers and online stores that are subject to increasingly stricter environmental and emission requirements. Smart solutions and data transparency have been taken into account in the design of the property, thanks to which the company can offer e.g. sustainability reporting according to standards that will become mandatory in the near future. Customer-specific emissions monitoring is also planned. The center also enables the appropriate implementation of warehouse automation for small goods.

Partners responsible for construction

Mrec Investment Management Oy, a domestic financier of Nordic real estate projects, is responsible for building the site, and Tekova Oy acts as the main contractor. The extensive experience and refined operating methods of the partners have proven to be crucial for the success of the project.

We are happy that the development of new destinations in accordance with our logistics strategy continues at a good pace. We have managed to negotiate the handover of the site with Sipoo municipality within a tight schedule, as well as sign lease and contract agreements for the new project, which is guided by ambitious ESG goals from design to implementation, says Elsi Luhtanen from Mrec IM.

It is a pleasure to implement the project together with Mrec IM and 3PLogistiikka. As strong experts in logistics construction, we have been able to bring great added value, because we have been involved in the project since its beginning. Thanks to this, consideration of the user's needs together with the client's ESG guidelines and budget has been optimally matched, and the end result is high-quality and cost-effective precision solution. For Tekova, the project is a great continuation of the cooperation with Mrec IM," says Tekova CEO Jaakko Heikkilä.

Are you interested in the possibilities of a 3PL logistics center for your business?


mr. Jussi Örn

CEO, 3PLogistiikka Group

+358 40 664 6546


3PLogistiikka Group Oy is a growing Finnish logistics company whose goal is to operate worthy of the unreserved recommendations of its personnel, customers and partners. The company serves, for example, trade and industry operators, importers and e-commerce companies, as well as project sites. 3PLogistiikka Group employs a total of around 100 professionals in logistics centers situated in Pori, Turku, Espoo, Nurmijärvi, Kerava, Vantaa in Finland and Tallinn in Estonia. 3PLogistiikka's turnover last year was about EUR 12 million and will grow to about EUR 14 million in the current fiscal year.


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